EC Comics Celebrity Lookalikes, Round 1
Were the EC artists throughout the 50's prophets and visionaries, able to predict the facial features of some of the most important people of our time? Is there a far-reaching hollywood conspiracy to breed celebrities that look like EC Comics characters? Is it all just some weird coincidence?

Labels: Celebrity Lookalikes, EC
Sean Penn in a comic book? Where's Woody Allen's comic version?
10/08/2006 5:11 PM
Woody Allen popped up in an issue of Showcase back in the 60s featuring the ever-lovin' Maniaks!
What makes EC cooler though, is the gruesome fates I'm sure these celebrity avatars suffered.
10/09/2006 2:33 PM
Oxy: I hope to never see that.
Keeper: So this was back when he was still somewhat funny?
10/11/2006 10:52 AM
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