Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Previous Posts
- Son of Great Pages
- Great Pages
- Bullseye Suddenly Becomes Interesting
- The Greatest Power in Human History
- Brandon Bragg - Future Bloggers of America 04-05; ...
- Mr. Bellamy's Breakfast... OF DEATH!!!
- from "Sanctuary" Art by Wally Wood
- Seriously, This Has Got to Be, Like, Totally Freak...
- Read This Book Before You Go to Sleep
Unto me is born ... awesomeness!
11/09/2006 6:53 AM
That is exactly how I pictured it in my head.
But now I'm curious as to whether or not you've got one laying around with me on Devil Dinosaur...
11/09/2006 9:14 AM
Keeper: Bow before Doom's might!!!
Chris: "Oook...Sims not know why other cave people shun him. Me seek peace in ancient valley of blogs. Oook..."
11/09/2006 10:17 AM
I just fell out of my chair. There's no bombast like DOOM bombast!
11/09/2006 11:37 AM
wow... Viktor rocks! and no-one can draw shiny armours like Wally Wood (well, maybe Hal Foster)
11/09/2006 12:19 PM
Sally: Doom is amused by your furniturial mishap!
Gloria: I'm reading a lot of Wood reprints now and I'm really impressed. I just wish he'd gotten to do more work for Marvel & DC in the sixties.
11/09/2006 6:07 PM
Am I crazy, or was there another entry after this one. With panels, and the words taken out, and, and, I'm going insane, aren't I?
11/11/2006 11:07 PM
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