But what's he really trying to say? Do you know?
Kalinara subscribes only to the finest publications.
Andrew reveals the innermost workings of the Batman's tortured soul.
Dave's NRA memberhip expires next week.
Hulkster's piece really ties the room together, man.
Sleestak ate Scott McCloud and absorbed his powers.
Siskoid knows the pressure of a deadline.
FoldedSoup lives in the 8th Dimension, but likes to stop by every now and again.
Kevin's parents didn't leave him emotionally scarred for life.
Not one bit.
Space-time is but a means of fuel for
DorianRJackson takes his lavatory etiquette very seriously.
BillD once attempted to draw a life-sized pirate using only a toothpick and his own blood. But he passed out before he could finish the mustache.
Tim likes ham.
It's kind of scary and I'd rather not talk about it.
Steve has no problem with the background check.
It's the waiting period he fears.
Alphamonkey has some
very reasonable demands.
Brently knows the value of a good gag.
Bully sometime about the wall of cowbells he keeps in his trophy room.
Gordon loathes bat-nipples to a degree previously unheard of.
Chris never developed an immunity to cooties. For his continued health and safety, I urge all you ladies out there to stay away from him.
Rob doesn't handle betrayal very well at all.
When Ken's not perfecting his big cats eugenics program or finding the most efficient ways to kill aliens, he works as an ombudsman for a major metropolitan newspaper.
Danicus was arrested recently for handing out pictures of his "
London Bridge" at a local McDonalds.
Ricochet, for one, believes it's possible to hate both squirrels and James Gordon equally.
Ron owns 22 copies of
The Catcher in the Rye.
Big Joe Fixit knows a thing or two about fashion.
Tom is a collector of fine art.
There must be something that Brack always wants to do,The one thing that Brack always wanted toNow Brack's done it—Jim has fixed it for you,And you and you and you... Sinro mourns for us all.
Labels: Batman, Memes, Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wounds